Part 20: Deadly Fungal Yeti
Hello friends, sorry for the lateness of this update! I don't really have an excuse so sucks for you if you wanted one.
As determined by user votes, we're going to be (mostly) running an ALL CLOCKS party this update. The problem is that I only have one Moogle Suit! There is a solution, however.
Seiken Densetsu 3 - High Tension Wire
We're going gambling, baby!
I luckily happen to just have three Tabby Suits, so I go ahead and load up. I also spent a bit of time checking the mystery items here but there wasn't really anything worth screenshotting.
Instead, we're off to get two new people.
Final Fantasy VI - Dark World
This place is bleak and the music really matches. I don't know if it's ever explained in game why Narshe is abandoned in the WoR.
Remember the Classroom that we couldn't get into in the WoB? Now we can!
There isn't actually anything to do here except wander around and get trapped. This place is basically a garbage dump for data that's used to randomize the Final Dungeon. I don't know the technical details of it but this is what I'm told.
Hungry Like The Wolf?
Oh. It's going to be like this in Narshe, is it?
Zepeli will have their day to shine even if it's not today.
Check out the weird animation for my Ragezerker throwing someone else. They just kinda.. float on over.
9262 HP, tons of speed, and constant counter attacks with Step Mine. Thankfully it only does 162 damage at this point.
I had to bring a non-clock to unlock the doors in town. I like to imagine they brought Scar along while constantly bullying them for not being a clock.
Oof! These treasures are fairly high level here.
This is like finding the Chancellor in Chrono Trigger locked inside a treasure chest.
Dadaluma goes fucking wild with the item procs. Can't escape twice, vanishes himself, and ends with Safe.
He's pretty outdated though.
This is the guy that gives you the Ragnarok Esper, which is a very good one for getting items.
Instead, I get a Thunder Shield. Ragnarok is actually in a different spot in BC that we'll get to later.
As for the shield, it's pretty damn good. 50% damage from Ice and Fire, no damage from Wind, and look at those evade stats!
Oh. Nevermind.
Oh me oh my. "Equip anything" is only mostly true; it doesn't include female equipment (various dresses, hairbands, etc.), Atma Weapon, Bone Club, Regal Crown and Snow Muffler. It's nerfed in the GBA version quite a bit for some reason. Still amazing in this version!
Alright we're back to the clocks after getting everything that I know of in Narshe.
The sprites in this game are so good. Look at that dragon!
Ninja guy looks ready to kick my ass, the rat has a mouthful of pain, also there are vapor clouds and cute little squirrel things. What's not to like?
Videl here is...fine. Dance can be good, more Magic is good. Let's see!
Cave Foxtrot:
7/16 Slide 6/16 Bolt Edge 2/16 Overcast 1/16 Missile
Folk Aria:
7/16 Rage 6/16 Fire Dance 2/16 Antlion 1/16 Whump
Sand Twist:
7/16 Sand Storm 6/16 Wild Fang 2/16 Absolute 0 1/16 Wombat
Wood Rag:
7/16 Pearl Wind 6/16 Wild Bear 2/16 Grav Bomb 1/16 Kitty
Sky Boogaloo:
7/16 Land Slide 6/16 Harvester 2/16 Takedown 1/16 R.Polarity
We're just getting all the major hits out of the way!
44,409 HP and Bio, Bolt 3, CleanSweep, Flare, Ice 2, Ice 3, Merton, Pearl, Quake, Quick, Step Mine.
Lotta good all those spells will do against a Ragezerker!
Eugh. Quick on enemies can sometimes softlock the game as they don't respond to it properly and never attack, leaving the game in a perpetual battle. This guy doesn't seem to mind and just attacks me. For whatever reason, all those nasty spells never came out.
C'mon, I already have a bunch of these!
That right there is the Red Dragon. I put in a real honest effort to beat it and I couldn't with this party, so I'll be back later.
Instead we'll be warming up a block of ice.
The first couple of tries go very well.
This attempt goes much better.
I eventually decided to run with Wall Rings on everyone because Ice 3 hurts. Unfortunately it also heals Tritoch. I also skipped trying to Dance because I wanted to learn the Ice Dance and I think the only other way to learn it in the WoR is fighting the dragon back there.
Fuuko does a big hit of 6 HP and gets frozen in response. Good for fire-weak Tritoch; Ragezerkers throw attack becomes Fire elemental when they use an actual Rage. The reason is that Fire is the first spell in the elemental list and Ragezerkers are weird.
This is the other part of my plan. While everyone is doing 0-4 damage with their hits, Kaoru and Zepeli are both using a Ragnarok which can proc Ultima. It's not super amazing damage but a damn sight better than 4.
Fuuko finally thaws and goes to town.
I experiment with some item breaks. Iron Armor breaks for Phantom.
Even with Wall Rings on, spells will always hit you if you're Vanished. Oops.
We did it!
Frozen Step:
7/16 Elf Fire 6/16 Big Guard 2/16 Specter 1/16 Lullaby
This dance is alright I suppose. Big Guard will be good to learn for Scar.
On a side note, certain Rages can have the "Dies at 0 MP" flag enabled. Apparently, that flag actually works for players, even in vanilla! Tritoch used Rasp on Fuuko (who was Vanished) and they died immediately as they had less than 115 MP.
....fuck. Kaoru is the only one that can equip this Esper and they don't have Magic. God dammit!
Tales of Phantasia - Final Act
Good music, I could see a Yeti dancing to this.
I hate this dungeon. It has holes everywhere that you can fall into.
Wait sorry no I meant I love this dungeon! If I can find a Paladin Shield, I'm pretty sure that person will absorb or ignore all elements. The stats are just a nice bonus.
Because the people demanded it, I kept the Clock Suits on. You're welcome.
God dammit!
Cive Lou who?
Interesting. Probably has a niche use somewhere, if someone has a shitty spell list and no item command.
| HP: 3 | ATK: 1 | SPD: 49 |
| MP: 65534 | DEF: 255 | HIT: 128 |
| XP: 0 | MPOW: 74 | EVD: 255 |
| GP: 8824 | MDEF: 255 | MBLK: 255 |
Here's another hint!
They're a Cactuar. Normally found in a desert outside Maranda, they give 10 MP and a ton of GP in vanilla. Ragezerkers don't care about your Evade stat.
I forgot to mark them in the picture so the Saab Wayso is the big behemoth dude in the back. Not a terribly hard fight, even starting with two dead characters.
Worth it. Megalixirs restore all HP and MP for the party when used.
Same sprites, different palette. Probably smell like feet too.
Free magicite!
That's not a Yeti, that's a Bear.
I only realized, just now, that I forgot to take screenshots of the battle. So the video I guess.
Related to the spoiler I posted earlier, you can see the shenanigans happen in this fight with Fuuko throwing someone at Sahara. I don't know why the slicing animation happens but I do know why Videl dies! Sahara has Reflect status, and Fuuko is wearing Doom Darts, which casts Doom sometimes. When a Ragezerker throws someone, whatever proc is on their weapon can be reflected, which somehow means that Videl eats the Doom proc. Ragezerkers are strange as hell.
As penance, know that I had a brain fart and forgot that I needed the actual Mog replacement character to recruit this person, not just the person I found in Mog's spot. I also forgot to check the treasure in Mog's spot.
Fifteen minutes of shitty garbage fights to get a Sky Render and a new character. I hope you think it was worth it.
Secret of Mana - Calm Before the Storm
I certainly don't think so. Throw is alright but I have better stuff and that also means there exist enemies that can Throw items for massive damage. Maduin with that Magic Power is near worthless. They can't even equip any decent Espers!
Also because I am incompetent, I forgot a screenshot of Terrato. Only Wei can equip it and it teaches Pearl/Remedy, with a HP +30% level up bonus.
Until next time!
Sniper Sight
Diamond Vest
Zephyr Cape
13,900 GP
Gold Hairpin
Charm Bangle
Master Pug
Thief Glove
Sky Render (Mog's spot)
Please VOTE for which location we should aim for next from this list:
Mt. Zozo
Cave on the Veldt
Owzer's House
Doma Castle - Since I have no idea what Magitek Armor skills are in this game, I will be taking Zepeli to this place. They are our Terra replacement and so will have all eight available Magitek skills instead of just four.
Phoenix Cave - I GUESS
Please ALSO VOTE for the four characters we will bring with us, with any changes that are noted above.
Voting will last for one week, until Sunday, September 15th 2019.